At Little Home Geneva, you'll probably find the most sensitive collection of furniture, decoration accessories and toys for children. Rebecca created a soft atmosphere in the subdued light of Meubles & Cie's. I know that you're wondering: "Where on Earth is that shop !" Please follow the map link below and here is a clue: Little Home is behind H&M rue du Marché - when you are Place du Perron where you have 7ème étage and Bonpoint - it is up up up the Rue du Perron on your left ! Here you are, from now on, with that address your shopping will be much easier. Why not going ahead with your Christmas shopping !?
At little Home, the selection of brands and designers is centered on a certain playful simplicity, a confident pleasure to mix materials, fabrics, patterns and colors with delicate details. The fragile elegance of some items is balanced with the vibrant colors, playful or geometric patterns of others: that place is merely unique in Geneva. This is to tell you that I'm afraid I'll share with you here below the names of all my favorites designers presented at little Home because their products are simply beautiful.
All the beds presented at Little Home are from Kids Gallery and their streamlined retro style is very contemporary. While La maison de Léna create splendid furnitures in rattan and caning French, a craft work applied on modern design - hide well behind the caning or the ZidZid pouffe and you might see the fawn from Egmont toys then take a walk by Momoll's wooden house. You can take a Lalé tissue suitcase and pack some Vilac games by Nathalie Lété and your coloring books Mon Petit Art ! If you happen to have extra room, take along an Alice Apple handmade vintage toy. If you rather travel light, an elegant hand bag from April Showers will do it also because a plush from Ah quel plaisir ! could fit in it :-)
Meanwhile in Paris, Apolline is creating coquette dolls coming from childlike reveries where the world is powdered with fabulous garlands and where little textile creatures of Abigail Brown can moon. Near by, you'll meet the facetious Nooshka dolls sitting by Tamar Mogendorff bird house and the shy Cheekeyes. Enjoy your day and make sure your dreams come true !
1 comment:
Great to discover your blog! I'm in switzerland too ;)
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